Friday, November 11, 2011

First Sewing Project...Updated

Well...I did it!! I've been wanting to try sewing for a while now, but hadn't made the time to do so. Oh and a little problem: I don't have a sewing machine! Last night I went over to my mom's and she gave me the run down on how to use her machine, so I packed it up last night and brought it home to borrow and test out.

This is really my first time to run a sewing machine.  In junior high I opted to take wood shop instead of home ec. :)  I decided to make an "easy" burp cloth I found on Pinterest. It wasn't too bad actually; however, this one is not gift worthy. The hardest part was turning it out and tucking in the edges in and closing up the hole.  Hoping to keep at it and figure it out!  Here is the source I followed:


Ok...round 2.  I so should have known to go with a pattern to begin with.  I am so a follow the recipe/pattern type of gal.  Yes, I like to be creative, but I am definitely like clear defined steps to begin with!  So, when I came across THIS tutorial I gave it a try! It took a little more time to pin and cut out, but I definitely like the end result a lot better.  And the contoured shape is neat I will fit whoever is burping the baby perfectly! Win-Win!! :)


Casey said...

PLEASE keep this up so you can make stuff for me and I can pay you!! See, its a win-win for both of us :)) I'm still waiting on the day I have a girl for you to make bows!!!

Jessica said...

You're so funny Casey. And if you have a little girl I'd love to make you some bows!! :) I'm self taught, so they are not perfect, but I can't afford all those boutique items, so my bows are fine for me! :)